Rachel Kammerer » Posts


Cold weather is the perfect reading season

Survive the winter blues with a great read (and check it off the 2015 Reading Challenge list.).  


I hope you will take time to thank a favorite author (or authors) for the wonderful reads they have given. Gobble up some good books this Thanksgiving.


Our new books section is overflowing with great new reads. Come check some out and feed your curiosity.

Banned Books Week

Celebrate your freedom to read during Banned Books Week, September 21-27. Get "caught" and be a part of our display.

"It Came From a Book" Art Contest

The third annual “It Came from a Book” art contest is starting. See Mrs. Kammerer for more information. Last  year, we had an SHS student win 3rd place and the year before an SHS student won 1st place. Enter your art and become a part of the winning tradition!

March Madness

New display photos are posted in the online photo album. Come check out what's happening in the library!


Check out what's happening in the library! Go to the library's website and click "Photo album" on the right hand side.