Engineering and Robotics » 2022 Rapid React

2022 Rapid React

2022 Was a successful year for the SHS Metal Jackets. We struggled through technical issues at Waco to have a good showing on day 2, advancing to the finals with 1477 Texas Torque and 2881 Lady Cans. After some modifications, we managed a 7th place ranking in Amarillo and again advanced to the finals with 3481 Bronc Bots and 8408 Kiss Kats. We also were awarded the Quality Award in Amarillo. We continued our success (after one more modification) at the District/State Championships in Houston, Ranking 11th in the Mercury Division and becoming the 8th seed alliance captain.
Along with event performance, there were several notable designs that the students developed. This included a powerful inline gearbox for the drive base, a dual-action shooter that doubled as the intake, and a powerful scouting platform that predicted match outcomes with greater than 98% accuracy.
2022 CAD Files available here: